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Vzhod Oriente / Zahod Occidente


Vzhod Oriente / Zahod Occidente — Border cinema

Through the lens of the retrospective East / West, in 2025, the cinematography of Slovenia and Italy will get the chance to shine bright. This film journey, created with more than thirty partners, revives the rich cultural and historical heritage of the cross-border area. Through selected film works, from feature films to documentaries and newsreels, it embodies Europe's multicultural experience. Pannels with historians and experts, who initiated the project through three extensive symposiums, deepen the understanding and prepare the European audience for a journey through time and space.


  • Film Heritage
    Selected film classics, documentaries, and archival materials illuminate the turbulent historic periods along the Slovenian and Italian border.
  • Symposium and discussions
    Collaboration between historians, film experts, and authors deepens the understanding of the past and opens doors to the future.
  • European tour
    Screenings in major European cities will promote the cultural and historical richness of the area and stimulate reflection.